I don’t miss HIM, I miss Supaplex

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By , January 10, 2011 15:27
Inger (Sweden), 09.02.1997:

«My name is Inger and I am very interested in getting Supaplex. I played Boulder Dash on my ex boyfriend’s amiga and when we found Supaplex on the PC we were very happy and spent way too many hours in front of the computer.
Unfortunately, the computer and everything in it belonged to him so when we split up, there I was, without Supaplex. I am trying to find it on the Internet but all the links seem to be wrong, except for one in Taiwan and that one doesnt work to download from. (Or I am doing something wrong, that’s also possible) So, I wonder if you know where to get this wonderful game, or if you could send me a copy??»


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By , January 10, 2011 15:25
Uwe (Germany), 04.08.1996:

«Es betrifft Euer GENIALES Spiel Supaplex.

Wir haben die Amiga-Version und leider folgende Probleme:

Wir (meine Frau und ich) würden furchtbar gerne noch weitere Level spielen, hängen aber leider bei Level 99 “Joystick-Handling” in der Sackgasse.


Das Spiel ist bei weitem das Beste was wir kennen. Ich bekam es im Mai 1992 zum Geburtstag – danach spielten wir es Tag und Nacht.

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Young groupie

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By , January 10, 2011 15:22
Whitney (Canada), retrieved from personal website 20.07.1996:

«Welcome to my home page. I’ m in grade 4 and 9 years old.

My favourite sport is Gymnastics.

I also watch my favourite T.V. shows, they are Family Matters and the Simpsons.

I have a lot of fun playing on the computer, my favourite game is Supaplex.

I read Goosbumps books in my spare time.

My family goes on a lot of trips like to Calgary, Comox, Victoria, Toronto, Vancouver and England.

In the summer I like riding my bike and in the winter I like going sledding.»

Meet my mother, the Supaplex addict

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By , January 10, 2011 14:46
Erwin (Netherlands), 15.05.1996:

«Thanks for making Supaplex. It’s a great game. Maybe funny for you to know that my mother (who is an absolute zero with computers – she even has problems finding the power-button) has been addicted to the game, and played all levels. With some levels she can even beat me! That really surprised me.»

Sun? What sun?

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By , January 10, 2011 14:39
Tommy (USA), 14.04.1996:

«I’m absolutely stuck on Supaplex level 35 “NO MIRACLE”.
I’m beginning to think that there is something wrong with my version of the game.
I’ve tried everything possible on this level and cannot find a solution.
There must be something special that one can do in order to make it work. Please help!
(actually, you would think that I would have far better things to do with my time here in Miami…wouldn’t you?). The weather has been sunny and warm…people are at the pool…on the beach…on their boats…bicycles…roller blades….and I am in the apartment stuck on Supaplex!»

The FBI didn’t mind

By , January 8, 2011 17:06
Mark (USA), 20.10.1995:

«Well, I have finally found you…Thank the Lord for the Internet.

About two years ago a friend of mine gave me some games he found on a BBS in the U.S.   I liked several of them, but noticed the copyright notices and realized that this was commercial software and should not be avaible on bulletin boards. Violation of Federal laws and my personal honesty, (thats right, it is still common) made me contact the Software Publishers Association, the Piracy Police (NOT George Orwells “Big Brother” that was the government) and let them know what I had.

Continue reading 'The FBI didn’t mind'»

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