The ultra “thought” level

By , February 1, 2011 16:26
Ivan (Serbia), 11.04.2008:

«You can’t imagine how many hours my friend and I have spent playing the Supap, and even worse > how many hours and days we spent making some level editors, editing game properties, etc. 🙂 At the end, hours and hours spent creating the ultra “thought” levels for that time (we had <15 years of age in that period). 🙂 That's why I'm especially glad that after 15+ years I'm communicating with person who made such a briliant and addictive game!! :)»

One Response to “The ultra “thought” level”

  1. Mark B says:

    Hi. I am pulling my hair out on how to complete some levels. Searched youtube etc. Can anyone help?

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