Tommy (USA), 14.04.1996:
«I’m absolutely stuck on Supaplex level 35 “NO MIRACLE”.
I’m beginning to think that there is something wrong with my version of the game.
I’ve tried everything possible on this level and cannot find a solution.
There must be something special that one can do in order to make it work. Please help!
(actually, you would think that I would have far better things to do with my time here in Miami…wouldn’t you?). The weather has been sunny and warm…people are at the pool…on the beach…on their boats…bicycles…roller blades….and I am in the apartment stuck on Supaplex!»
Mark (USA), 20.10.1995:
«Well, I have finally found you…Thank the Lord for the Internet.
About two years ago a friend of mine gave me some games he found on a BBS in the U.S. I liked several of them, but noticed the copyright notices and realized that this was commercial software and should not be avaible on bulletin boards. Violation of Federal laws and my personal honesty, (thats right, it is still common) made me contact the Software Publishers Association, the Piracy Police (NOT George Orwells “Big Brother” that was the government) and let them know what I had.
Continue reading 'The FBI didn’t mind'»